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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Engineers BEWARE

Have you ever wondered what people were thinking when they do some things. This is a picture of a building next to our apartment that was started well before we came and was then abandoned. After seeing the picture it is not to hard to see that planning ahead was not this contractors strong suit. I have heard of being enviromentally friendly but i think this is taking it a little to far.


Anonymous said...

Actually, I think Hammett had a hand in designing that building when he was over there. Ha, great to hear from ya'll. Ready to be a mom and dad? Blessings to you.

elly said...

Room with a view? Saw the picture at the shower Rebecca - how cute! Congratulations on your new little one! I know you are counting the days!

Mandy B Stenberg said...

What? Do I remember you? Give me a break Byrd. There are those people in your life who, no matter the time that passes between your contact, they always have a place in your memory and heart. We may not keep in touch well, but those FBC Ruston days . . . . they are etched FOREVER in my memory.

I am glad to add you to my blog world. Can't wait to hear about the arrival of the new Byrd!

Tracy said...

Hey guys! That building is just crazy! WHAT were they thinking? Hey, thanks for putting us on your list of links for blogs! We really miss you guys terribly.

Ashley said...

I found the blogging byrd's!!!

ashley said...

oh, dear Lord...don't let that EVER become an occupied building. who knows what else is in the structural make-up if that is so evident. that's enough to make this structural engineer cry:) believe it or not, i've had to design for worse things that were planned!!
glad to know you guys are doing well. i'll send Chet your site so he can read up on you!
~ ashley sears